Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The Five Inner Thieves..!

Five Thieves (Panj Dosh or Panj Vikar) are the five major weaknesses of the human personality at variance with its spiritual essence, and are known as "thieves" because they steal a person's common sense. These five thieves are kaam (lust),krodh (rage), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and hankaar (ego). The word "evil" here may be understood to represent the connotation of Punjabi paap "sin", dokh "defect" or kilbikh "defilement".
It is the primary aim of the practising Sikh to subdue these five inner "thieves" and render them useless. The actions of one's mind should be above, beyond and without interference from these five inner urges. It's a Sikh's duty to not base their life subject to these five passions of the human heart. To live a life in devotion to Waheguru in positive spirits (Charhdi Kala) and in His mercy (hukam). To remember God in Naam Japo, engaged in community service (Sewa) and to practise the Five Virtues. By taking these positive steps, the Five Evils are overcome and rendered ineffective. By adopting this daily routine and discipline the person's actions become pure (nirmal) and rewarding to the soul and the negativity of the person is removed.


The first two in the list of five hindrances, sensuous desire (kamacchanda) and ill will or malice, are the same as the first two in the list of five evils mentioned in the Sikh canon. Likewise, belief in a permanent individuality (satkayadrsti), sensual passion (kamaraga), ill will, conceit (mana) and nescience (avidya), included in the Buddhist list of ten fetters, are comparable to egotism, lust, wrath, pride and delusion or attachment of Sikh enumeration.
The third Buddhist list of ten 'defilements' (Pali kilesa, Punjabi kalesh and Skt. klesa), includes the following: greed (lobha), hatred (dosa), delusion (moha), conceit (mana), false views, sceptical doubt, sloth, distraction, shamelessness and recklessness. In this list, again, the first four defilements are nearly identical with those included in the list of' ‘five evils' minus lust (kama). This last evil is mentioned separately and repeatedly in the Buddhist scriptures in Pali as well as in Sanskrit. Similarly wrath (krodha) is mentioned separately as a powerful enemy of holy life. Early Buddhist sources describe the triad of lobha, dosa (dvesa), and moha as the three roots of evil (akusala-mula). One of the standard Buddhist words for evil is klesa which may be translated as 'defilement' or ‘depravity’. A list of six defilements is found in some Buddhist Sanskrit sources and includes passion (raga), ill will (pratigha), conceit (mana), nescience (avidya), false view (kudrsti), and sceptical doubt (vichikitsa)

Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita mentions all the five evils although they are not all enumerated together at the same place as forming a pentad. The text mentions kama as lust and at one point it is identified with krodha. Besides kama and krodha which are called asuri (demonic) traits, the Bhagavad Gita mentions passion (raga), ill will, attachment, delusion, egoity, greed, conceit and nescience (ajnana), and employs terms such as papa, dosa and kalmasa for impurities or defilements. In one verse hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, wrath, harsh speech and nescience are described as demoniac qualities. Medieval Buddhist, Jainist, and Brahmanical authors of religious and philosophical works continued to discuss the meaning, nature and methods of eradicating the five and more evils. The Tantric adepts (siddhas) recommended rather radical techniques of combating the evil psychological forces, especially through the method of 'conquering passions through passions'. Reference may be made here to Tulasidasa who, in a series of quadriparti verses (chaupais) in his Ramacharitamanasa, acknowledges the universality of kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mana and trsna which afflict not only men but also the gods.The evils are want,idleness,disease,ignorance and squalor..

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Status u want???

1. 50 Funny Whatsapp Status

  • I’m not failed…my success is just postponed for some time.
  • When nothing seems right….go left!!
  • Sorry about those texts I sent you last night, my phone was drunk.
  • Love thy neighbor. But don’t get caught.
  • If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
  • A woman is like a tea bag, you cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.
  • Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people.
  • When a bird hits your window have you ever wondered if God is playing angry birds with you?
  • Knowledge is like underwear. It is useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off.
  • A BOSS is like a diaper... Always on your ass, and usually full of Shi***t
  • Ever read a book that changed your life? Me neither.
  • Getting married is a lot like getting into a tub of hot water. After you get used to it, it ain’t so hot.
  • When a girl says she’ll be ready in 5 more minutes, it’s the same as when a guy says the game has 5 minutes left. :D
  • I come up with the best ideas when sitting on the toilet then forget them after the flush.
  • Hey Mate…you There…Whatsapp is using me. :D
  • Etc= End of thinking Capacity.
  • Only Marriage is the major cause of divorce.
  • If you are player then I’m the GAME.
  • Awesome ends with ME and Ugly starts with you.
  • You can disturb me….I’m available. :D
  • Some people call me Mike, You can call me tonight.
  • Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal this status.
  • Do You Want To Go Out With Me? (A) Yes (B) A (C) B.
  • Every problem comes with a solution. If it doesn’t have any solution, it’s a…………. Girl :)
  • Insult and wife are somewhat similar....They always look good...If it is not yours
  • I'm Jealous of My Parents... I'll Never Have a Kid as Cool as Theirs!
  • I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak.
  • Love your girl like you love your Coffee… Enjoy it before its hotness goes.
  • ☺  Behind this smile is everything you’ll never understand.
  • We all feel a little f**d up sometimes.
  • If I’m wired with you. I like you.
  • I love buying new things but I hate spending money.
  • Stop waiting for one Day. Today is the Day- Bang-Bang
  • I hate math but I love counting money.
  • I believe in hate at first sight.
  • There’s always a person that you hate for no reason.
  • If I get jealous then yes I really like you.
  • The Earth without Art is just Eh.
  • We all are born to die don’t feel more special than me.
  • I’m not arguing, I’m simply tried to explaining why I’m Right.
  • Laziness is me middle name.
  • I wonder if I've met the person I’m going to marry.
  • Math Rule: If it seems easy, you’re doing it wrong.
  • I need Google in my brain.
  • You have eyes my dear but you cannot see.
  • I’m not weird, I’m limited edition.
  • The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.
  • If you fall. I’ll be there.
  • Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?

2. Cool Whatsapp Status

  • The best way to create your future is to create it
  • Sleep all your troubles away.
  • I’m not bossy. I just know what you should be doing.
  • It’s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that define us.
  • If you ain’t first, you are last.
  • I’m gonna rest of my life, the best of my life.
  • The best dreams happen when eyes are open.
  • Beauty is not in the face; beauty is alight in the heart.
  • Respect is one of life’s greatest treasures…
  • Why worry about things you cannot change? Let go and move on, because LIFE isn’t waiting.
  • I’m making changes in my life so if you don’t hear from me, you’re one of them.
  • A pretty girl is nothing if she has an ugly heart.
  • You killed what was left of the good in me.
  • The PAST cannot be changes, forgotten. Edited or erased: it can only be accepted.
  • If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.
  • Choose the work you love and you will never have to work every day.
  • A fake smile can hide a million tears.
  • Smile and let everyone know that today, you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
  • You never know how strong you are…until being strong is the only choice you have.
  • You can do anything but not everything.
  • A best friend is life a four leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have.
  • Strong people know how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say I’m ok with a smile.
  • Life is better when I’m drunk.
  • Fake friends are around when they think you're cool true friends are around even when they think you're fool.
  • I’m just waiting to see to if my coffee chooses to use its powers for good or evil today.
  • Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway.
  • Cheating is easy try something challenging and be faithful.
  • face book is the only place where it's acceptable to talk to a wall
  • I don't have an attitude problem i just have a personality you can't handle.
  • I don't stop when I’m tried; I stop when I’m done.
  • Nobody dies virgin cause in the end life F***s us all.
  • Love is all you need.
  • Dear math please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you.
  • I dreamed a dream.
  • Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak. Sometimes it just means your strong enough to let go.
  • I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile then walk into a pole. :D
  • No one rises suddenly in the World, Not Even the Sun.
  • Be polite to everyone don’t sweat the small stuff, and be positive-it’s contagious!
  • Life will serve you best if you love it as much as you love yourself.
  • “’Different” and ‘New’ is relatively easy. Doing something that’s genuinely better is very hard.”  Sir Jony Ive, Apple
  • There is only happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
  • I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.
  • Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
  • The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
  • I don’t make mistakes I just date them.
  • We fall in love by chance. We stay in love by choice.
  • Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy.
  • The first duty of LOVE is to LISTEN.
  • I can and I will. Watch me!!
  • When you want to give up remember why you started.

3. Love Whatsapp Status

  • Love can be demonstrated not defined.
  • Don't say you love me unless you mean it.
  • Only you can give me that feeling.
  • Love when you’re ready, not when you are alone.
  • Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
  • I’d cross the world for someone like you.
  • Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.
  • My Hearts beats only for you.
  • Every time I look at the keyboard U and I always together.
  • “Hi”, is a short, simple word but it’s how love starts.
  • Love has no limits.
  • Everything is fair in Love and War.
  • I want another day with you.
  • You can’t stop loving short girls.
  • I think love is fearless.
  • I need you so much closer.
  • My heart is perfect because… you are inside.
  • You re special to me in every way. Thank you for being who you are.
  • When I talk to you i fall in love over and over again.
  • I need you, you need me. Let’s make it work.
  • Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.
  • Love me for a second and I’ll love you forever.
  • I hope you always find a reason to smile.
  • I love you even when I hate you.
  • Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you
  • I usually don't get attached too easily, but that changes when I met you.
  • Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.
  • Can I borrow a Kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
  • When I count my blessings i count you twice.
  • Love conquers all things let us too surrender to love.
  • Be the type of person you want to meet.
  • I can’t stop missing you.
  • Fund love, found sadness at the end of the line. - Wyn Owen Justin
  • I’m done begging for your love.
  • I don't even know why I like you. But I just do.
  • Why am I so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine?
  • I can't go a day without thinking about you.
  • There is no finish line so love the journey.
  • Fall in love not in line.
  • If you love something set it free.
  • The minute you think of giving up think of the reason why you held on so long.
  • So many of my smiles begin with you.
  • A true love story nerve ends.
  • Love is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning.
  • You think you're one of millions but you're one in a million to me.
  • All I need is your love.
  • I want you today and tomorrow and next week and for the rest of my life.
  • Let all that you do be done n love.
  • I’ll never forget the first time I saw you.
  • True love has a habit of coming back.


4. Best Whatsapp Status

  • A lot of People are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want.
  • I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.
  • When you make a business, you got to make a little universe where you control all the laws. This is your utopia.
  • The Soul is a dream flower that opens only once in life.
  • Find what you LOVE and let it kill you- Charles Bukowski
  • Take a deep breath it's just a bad day, not a bad life.
  • The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.
  • Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.
  • Just because something isn't happening for you right now doesn't mean that will never happen.
  • I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin me.
  • "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second. – Johnny Deep
  • Dead or alive, you are coming with me.
  • I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.
  • "Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, simply didn't know where to go shopping." - Bo Derek
  • "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe
  • There are two ways to live: you can lives as if nothing is a miracle or you can live as if everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein
  • There's nothing wrong with you there's a lot wrong with the world you live in- Chris Colfer
  • Forget what hurt you in the past. But never forget what it taught you.
  • Close your eyes, clear your heart let it go.
  • If "Plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay Cool!!
  • If I was meant to be controlled i would have came with a remote.
  • Life is short, make fun of it.
  • I raise my hand for an easy question, just so the teacher won't ask me again.
  • Everything happens for a reason, so don't disappoint.
  • The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.
  • Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.
  • The People who want to stay in your life will always find a way.
  • You can love with all your heart, No questions asked.
  • Life is too short to remove USB safely.
  • “If you truly own who you are, no one can use you against you.”
  • When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half.
  • “I’ve tried being other people and myself suits me the best.”― Chris Colfer
  • Life is too short to be sitting around miserable.
  • Sometimes the wrong choice brings us to the right places.
  • Nobody can teach me who I am.
  • God's plan is like a movie; all the good and bad things are arranged together for at the good ending.
  • Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.
  • Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring. So I go back to being me.
  • Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life. – ANON
  • Life doesn't get easier you just get stronger.
  • If you can dream it you can do it. - Walt Disney
  • The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. - harry Golden
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • Life isn't about finding yourself life is about creating yourself.
  • You only live once but you do it right ONCE IS ENOUGH.
  • If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
  • So take a chance and don't ever look back.
  • If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.
  • Success is the best revenge for anything. _ Ed Sheeram
  • There is no elevator to success, you have to take stairs.

5. Whatsapp Online Status

  • You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you. - -Jim Rohn
  • When you feel Like Giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
  • Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
  • Do what you fear and fear disappears. - David Schwartz
  • Life is rather like a tin of sardines - we’re all of us looking for the key. -  Alan benett
  • If you run into a wall. Don’t turn around and give up.
  • Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan
  • If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. _ Wayne Dyer
  • When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on. Theodore Roosevelt
  • A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job. - Zig Ziglar
  • And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
  • The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dream is you.
  • Don’t waste your time looking back on what you’ve lost. Just move on.
  • Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt.
  • Every new day is another chance to change something in your life every new day is a chance to feel blessed for what you have.
  • Don't ask what the meaning of life is. You define it.
  • An Apple keep a day keeps the doctor away, I'm going to buy iPhone 6.
  • Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.
  • It's hard to answer the question “what’s wrong?'" when nothing's right.
  • Log kya kahange has killed more dreams than anything else.
  • All great changes are preceded by chaos.
  • One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.
  • A true businessman always does business out of courage.
  • People don't cheat by chance, they cheat by choice.
  • Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now. 
  • The world belongs to those people who know to adapt.
  • Happiness is not the absence of problems.  It’s the ability to deal with them.
  • In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.
  • Stop saying I wish start saying I will.
  • The most painful goodbyes are the ones that never said and never explained.
  • It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.
  • I've got nothing to do today but smile. - Paul Simon
  • A promise means everything but once it is broken sorry means nothing.
  • All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them but confront them.
  • Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.
  • One day you're going to wake up and notice that you should've tried. I was worth the fight.
  • Love yourself. Love your day.  Love your life.
  • Results compulsorily require efforts. Efforts will not necessarily give results.
  • Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. 
  • Do a little more each day than you think you can.
  • You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.
  • Don't wait for last judgment. It happened every day.
  • It’s a good day to have a good day.
  • You don’t always get what you wish for. You get what you work for.
  • The only thing that ruins my day is taking a big crap after a shower.
  • Someone else is happy with less than what you have.
  • May your problems be as few and as far apart as my Gma's teeth.
  • The ones who say “you can't" and "you won't" are probably the ones scared that “you will".
  • We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy.
  • One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now ~ paulo Coelho

The Golden Rice..

Golden rice is a variety of Oryza sativa rice produced through genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of rice.[1] The research was conducted with the goal of producing a fortified food to be grown and consumed in areas with a shortage of dietary vitamin A,[2] a deficiency which is estimated to kill 670,000 children under the age of 5 each year.[3]
Golden rice differs from its parental strain by the addition of three beta-carotene biosynthesis genes. The scientific details of the rice were first published in Science in 2000,[1] the product of an eight-year project by Ingo Potrykus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology andPeter Beyer of the University of Freiburg. At the time of publication, golden rice was considered a significant breakthrough in biotechnology, as the researchers had engineered an entire biosynthetic pathway.
In 2005, a new variety called Golden Rice 2, which produces up to 23 times more beta-carotene than the original golden rice, was announced.[4] Although golden rice was developed as a humanitarian tool, it has met with significant opposition from environmental and anti-globalization activists.
Golden Rice has undergone two years of field testing in the Philippines.[5]

Monday, 24 November 2014

Historical compasses!


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Awesome game...

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Secret Of Sims!!!

Secrets of the SIM

First project that I would like to share is regarding the SIM card's "secret" key derivation algorithm, the COMP128.

I was requested to put together a small presentation about the old GSM system's security at my former employer.

As I really hate presentations without any real hands on experience, I wanted to actually show the internal mechanisms of the SIM and the mobile phone as well as the base station's communication in the presentation  so I did a "quick" search (took two days) about the current situation of GSM related software and tools available to a simple person, that can be used to put together something interesting.

The results are a bit shocking... but in a good way :)

I will describe the mobile phone and the BTS emulation part later, since all of the information about them can be found on the Internet already.

To show the internal mechanisms of a SIM card as well as the communication between the SIM and the mobile phone, I found the following tools to be handy:

1. SimTrace
This little hardware is awesome!!! It sniffs the communication between the SIM and the telephone and integrates into Wireshark with a normal dissector for parsing the raw data, so you are able to see what goes on the wire on-the-fly.

2. A programmable SIM card
This programmable SIM can be used like a standard SIM but you can actually change the master key (Ki) used for key derivation. Also it can switch the used derivation algorithms (COMP128 v1/v2/v3), which is really handy.

And that's it for tools. For the next step to put this part of the presentation together I had to refresh my memory about how the authentication and encryption is carried out in GSM. Wikipedia and Google is here to help as always.

Security features in GSM in a nutshell:
1. Challenge-Response Authentication
2. Symmetric encryption (A5)

The common secret is a 16 byte number stored in the SIM card and also it's stored at the respective mobile operator, it is called "Ki". Since the SIM is a smartcard, it is considered secure and we all hope that our mobile operator is storing it in a real secure way also :).
(otherwise every call and data could be decrypted if it falls in the wrong hands)

GSM authentication

1. The base station sends a 16 byte random number RAND (I'm really curious if it's really random...)
2. The SIM card gets this RAND and uses the Ki (the secret number) to feed the A3A8 (other name is COMP128) algorithm. The output is a 12 byte long number, call it OUTPUT.
3. The OUTPUT is split into two parts, the upper 4 byte is called the SRES the lower 8 byte is the Kc.
4. The SRES will be sent back to the base station as the authentication response.
on the other end of the line, the mobile operator does that same algorithm, because he knows our key (Ki), he will calculate the SRES and the Kc. If the mobile operator's SRES matches the SRES we sent back, then we are authenticated on the network
5. The Kc is sent to the mobile phone from the SIM card. It will be used as the encryption key for the A5 algorithm (not discussed here)

Key derivation

Using SIMTrace and Wireshark, we can see that the mobile phone sends only one command to the SIM card together with the RAND, and the card sends back the SRES+KC bytes. This can be observed in plain text :)

The big question remained, that how does exactly the COMP128 algorithm work?

After some searching I found that there are three versions of the COMP128, but only the first one could be found available for everyone.
A little history: after version 1 of the COMP128 got published it turned out that from observing the input and the output of the algorithm for several inputs, one can easily recover the secret key Ki. This means SIM card cloning! And also means, that if someone previously "checked" your sim card before you obtained it from the shop or from your company, he will know the secret key so if he manages to sniff your calls over the air, he will be able to decrypt the communication without much effort. So far only version 1 is known to be weak against this birthday-paradox based attack,and this is why it's not used any more (discontinued in 2002).
Since version 2&3 have not been officially published (again I have not found any publication of it so far), excessive cryptanalysis probably have not been carried out on it (khmm.... just saying...)

It seems that version 2 and 3 has not been published yet, or I was looking on the wrong Google?
So I kinda became frustrated that this presentation will be a bit incomplete, so I decided to dig a bit further. Luckily I "found" a test software used for SIM card compliance checks, which had the feature to check the version 2 & 3 of the algorithm also! Only one thing was left, reverse engineer the software to get to know the actual algorithm and then check against a valid implementation to be sure -remember the programmable SIM card I mentioned? :).

Using IDA I was able to recover the two algorithms from the software and implemented them to pure python. (Have I mentioned that I love Python?) It took some time, but I think it was a really good opportunity to learn a bit more about IDA :)

The testing part almost took the same time as the reverse engineering, because the command to change the algorithm of the programmable SIM was not working as described in the documentation -if we can call that poorly written nothing documentation- (I'll post the working command but right now I don't know where I have put it)
For this, I have written a small python script to load a key into the programmable SIM, generate 1024  random 16 byte long RAND number, then send it as the argument of the AUTH command, and store the response. (doing this to both v2 and v3 is like a little brute forcing huh?) Another script was responsible to cross check the results from the SIM with the result from the python script. No errors were found :) This however doesn't mean that my implementation of the COMP128v2 and v3 is perfect and completely following the standard (as this part of the standard is not published as far as I know), so please check it yourself and let me know the details.

Some words about the COMP128.
In v1 and v2 the last byte of the Kc was always 0x00, and the byte before the last was guessable -could only be 4 different value if I remember correctly,   This means that the key used to encrypt your communication was weakened on purpose. In v3 this "limitation" was finally removed, but that doesn't help much to increase the security since the encryption algorithm used in GSM communication (A5) is officially broken. If you want security switch to 3G, the algorithms used for encryption and authentication there are public and so far there are not publicly known weakness in them (as far as I'm aware)

I hope by sharing this algorithm I help everyone who wants to know how the SIM card works to get a better understanding. I was thinking about implementing this algorithm into a Java card thus creating programmable SIMs, or using it as a software emulated SIM solution to test some weaknesses in the GSM network but so far I have a lot of work to do, If someone will do this please drop me a mail :)

Implementation and some test vectors -not a well defined test vector set I know-:

Thank you for reading!

p.s.: this is my first blog ever, suggestions how to do it better are always welcome


Clone sim card

How To Clone a Sim Card
[Sim Cloning is Iligal. This Post is Only For Educational Use]
SIM cloning is the process in which a legitimate SIM card is duplicated. When the cloning is completed, the cloned SIM card's identifying information is transferred onto a separate, secondary SIM card. The secondary card can then be used in a different phone while having all calls and associated charges attributed to the original SIM card. The phrase SIM clone is often used to refer to the SIM card that has been successfully duplicated.
YES, a SIM Can be Cloned**
** There are Special considerations & Not All SIMs available, can be cloned.
You Need Special Hardware. NOT the ordinarily available SIM Reader/Writer. These "Writers" can ONLY insert SMS & Contacts (*alap). Nothing Beyond That.
An Image Below will showcase the Functions that are usually carried out by the across-the-counter available SIM Card Readers/Writers (*alap):
The Hardware should be able to write to the EEPROM (or Programmable Memory) of the SIM.
Type of SIM:
Even though ALL Sims may look alike, the Software (Or in Technical terms: the EEPROM) has evolved (though Slowly) over the years. Reason: Better Reception like 3G & to thwart the efforts of Hackers & Cloners(*alap).
All-in-All there are FOUR Types of SIM:
These are the Oldest. Commonly available till June 2002, they have little protection. These are the ONLY SIMs that can be Cloned. Hence, if you have a SIM LATER than 2002, STOP Reading ahead........ (I know you Won't, hence...........)
These are the successors to the COMP128V1 Cards. These too, are being gradually replaced by newer variation card known as 3G Cards.
How to differentiate V1 & V2 Cards:
If Phone book capacity is more than 250 entries, most likely are COMP128v2 SIM cards
If the Card does not Yield the 1st Set of KI No. Series even after 1 Hour, then it is a COMP128v2 Card (Will explain later in the tutorial) .
Carrier Locked/Pre-Programmed SIM:
These are the SIMs that are handed-out to us users, i.e End-User. ALL our current Phones have these SIMs, Actually these are a sub-category of the above 2 Types of SIM. However, these are ALREADY PROGRAMMED & you cannot "Write" ANY Data (Clone) ON THIS SIM. I am writing this coz, people might be thinking: I have a SIM which I do not use, let me Clone my other SIM onto this one. (*alap) Well.... you cant.
Silverwafer / Goldwafer Cards (Programmable SIMs):
These are the BLANK / PROGRAMMABLE Cards, that have to be bought, if you wish to Clone YOUR SIM on these Cards. Some of the Cards are SO ADVANCED, that they can Store upto 16 CLONED CARDS onto them simultaneously.... (Only 1 can be active at one time though).
These Cards are usually shipped with appropriate SIM Card Writer, which can write to EEPROM (*alap).
Some Products can be found on clicking the Link Below:
Part 2 Software
To Clone a SIM, there are ONLY 2 Pieces of Information required from your ORIGINAL SIM:
Both of these can be found our by Various Softwares, but Woron Scan seems to be the best:
Worn Scan 1.09
There is also a 2.01, but it is a hoax & a virus.
How to USE:
Extracting the Ki and IMSI
First connect the SIM-card reader to the PC's com-port (USB works too, but u have to configure the Port...) insert your original SIM-card (That will be cloned). Run Woron scan 1.09. Click on the menu "card reader" and click settings and select the COM Port which the card reader is connected to. Don't change any thing else in OK
If you have a phoenix card reader check-mark Phoenix in the card reader menu.
now click on "IMSI select" on the task menu. The program will now communicate with the SIM card and retrieve the IMSI value. Once u got the IMSI value..... write that on a piece of paper.
(Some No. are BLANKED to protect identity)
Now, in the same way, retrieve the "ICC value" and write that down too.
Now click on "Ki Search". Now the program hacks the SIM and retrieves the the KI value which consists of 32 numbers. Note that it may take up to 8 hrs to completely get the KI value. No matter how much faster the PC is (*alap). This is because the SIM is only capable of receiving and sending data@9600 bits/sec. Wait Patiently & Do not touch the PC. If, by the end of 1 Hour, even the first set is NOT Found, then STOP the SCAN. This happens when you have a COMP128v2 & beyond card which have tougher protection & are not h*a*c*a*k*a*b*l*e (*alap) YET...
NOTE: All the Question Marks will be Changed to Hexa-Decimal Sets of Numbers.
Now REMOVE the original SIM from the Reader-Writer & Exit Woron scan....
Part 3 writing.
Download: Sim-Emu 6.02:
Click on the "Configure" Tab:
Enter the ALL the Info Gathered from the Woron Scan Process: IMSI, KI, ICC.
Rest Info Can be fed as image Below:
For ADN/SMS/FDN# (ADN= Abbreviated Dialing No. / SMS = No. of SMSes stored on SIM / FDN = Fixed Dialing No.) Enter: 140 / 10 / 4 OR if the Program has suggested values, let it remain untouched.(
NOTE: Make Sure ALL the Phone No. / Center Nos. are in International Format. E.g: India +91
Now Select: Write to Disk:
Name the File: SuperSIM.HEX
You will be notified that the Flash was written to file. Click the OK button.
A write EEPROM file window will appear. Name the EEPROM file SuperSIM_EP.HEX and click the Save button. I saved the file to the desktop.
When notified that the EEPROM was written to file click the OK button(a_la_p).
Install the Program that cam with the Card-Writer.
(It is important to use the program provided, since the manufacture has incorporated the hardware & software of his Cards. Using a Generic Program will mess-up the card. Do not take risk of ruining the Programmable Card a.l.a.p.)
Insert the Silver/Gold Programmable Card
Insert the Programmable Silver/Gold Card in the Writer.
Run the Program & Select the Particular Card Type:
You will see two file fields in the center of the window. Load SuperSIM.HEX into the top one. Then load SuperSIM_EP.HEX into the bottom one(alap).
Now click the Write button. (Alap) You will be shown the status of the write process. Click the Done button when it is complete!
DONE. Now you have a CLONE of your Original SIM onto a New Programmable SIM
The instruction manual that came with the Silver/Gold SIM Reader-Writer Combo, should be able to guide you through to write upto 16 SIM Information onto a Single Card. (alap) There is also a possibility of configuring the SIM Activity via PHONE .

All Hacking Tricks of Mobile Phones....

Mobile Tricks

how to make ur phone unavailable

Its a very simple trick. So lets start.
How to make your phone network temporary unavailable ?

Go to your Network Setting > and find their Operator Selection > just change it to Manual. It will search for available networks. After search is over, select any network other than your main(sim) network, when u will select than u will get an error no Network Access, than just have a look at ur network bar, it will be blank.


Handset secret codes

Nokia Secret Codes

- *#06#-Serial No. IMEI
-*#2820#-Bluetooth Address
- *#7780#-Reset
- *#7370#-Format
- *+CALLKey+3+powerKey-Full Restore
- *#92702689#-Date of Manufacture
- *#0000#-Battery Info
- *#67705646# -This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).
- *#0000# -To view software version.
- *#746025625# -Sim clock allowed status.
- *#62209526# -MAC address of the WLAN adapter.
- #pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.
-*#3370# -Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation.
- *#3370*-(EFR) deactivation
- *#4720# -Half Rate Codec activation.
-*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation.

Sony Ericsson:-

Menu without SIM after pressing a wrong pin press **004*0000*0000*00000# (+ means press joystick, arrow keys or jogdial to the right and - means left.) You'll see phone model, software info, IMEI, configuration info, sim lock status, REAL time clock, total call time and text labels. You can also test your phones services and hardware from this menu (main display, camera, LED/ illumination, Flash LED, keyboard, earphone, speaker, microphone, radio and vibrator tests) IMEI Number: *#06# Lockstatus: - * * - Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0# Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press # If you change the language from default to any other language, then it may be difficult to switch to default language . The shortcut is very simple. Just press " 0000 " . stands for left arrow button or joystick and stands for right arrow button or joystick.

Samsung secret codes:-

-Software version: *#9999#
-IMEI number: *#06#
-Serial number: *#0001#
-Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246#
- Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324#
-LCD contrast: *#9998*523#
-Vibration test: *#9998*842# - *# 8999*842#
- Alarm beeper - Ringtone test : *# 9998*289# - *#8999*289#
-Smiley: *#9125#
-Software version: *#0837#
- Display contrast: *#0523# - *# 8999*523#
-Battery info: *#0228# or *# 8999*228#
-Display storage capacity: *# 8999*636#
- Display SIM card information: *# 8999*778#
-Show date and alarm clock: *# 8999*782#
- The display during warning: *# 8999*786#
-Samsung hardware version: *# 8999*837#
- Show network information: *# 8999*638#
-Display received channel number and received intensity: *# 8999*9266#
- *#1111# S/W Version
-*#1234# Firmware Version
- *#2222# H/W Version
-*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together
- *#8999*8378# Test Menu
- *#4777*8665# GPRS Tool
- *#8999*523# LCD Brightness *#8999*377#
-Error LOG Menu *#8999*327#
-EEP Menu *#8999*667#
-Debug Mode *#92782#
-PhoneModel (Wap) #*5737425# JAVA Mode
-*#2255# Call List
-*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Address
-*#5282837# Java Version
-Type in *#0000# on a Samsung A300 to reset the language
- Master reset(unlock) #*7337# (for the new samsungs E700 x600 but not E710)
- Samsung E700 type *#2255# to show secret call log (not tested)
- Samsung A300, A800 phone unlock enter this *2767*637#
-Samsung V200, S100, S300 phone unlock : *2767*782257378#
-UNIQUE NO.:*#03#

LG Codes:-

-All Models Test Mode: 2945#*#
-Secret Menu: 2945*# 01*#
-IMEI & SW (LG 510) *#07#
-To Cancel all diversions #21#, # 61#, #62# & #67#

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